Chapter 1
Captain James Lake had been in Command of the USS Hermes for the past five years; a Saber Class fast frigate with a Crew Compliment of sixty men and women. Each member worked, or was responsible for, two Departments due to the small Crew size. This Crew was able to manage the Ship quite effectively over the years, putting some of the larger Ships to shame; but this happy family was about to change.
James was sitting at his desk, in the Captain’s Ready Room, putting the finishing touches on a report to send to Star Fleet concerning the completion of their latest mission when he was interrupted “Captain a call’s come in for you marked ‘your eyes only’ Sir.” The Communication Officer informed him. “Patch it through to my Ready Room” James instructed wondering who it could be.
Moments later a smiling face appeared on the Screen James hadn’t seen in years “Captain Rebecca Chi, what a pleasant surprise. What do I owe the pleasure” he queried with a smile.
“Actually it’s Commodore, but who am I to stand on ceremony” she commented with her distinctive asian accent being all smiles.”
“Begging the Commodore’s pardon; congratulations on the promotion by the way” James replied hoping he hadn’t just unknowingly ‘stepped in a pile of crap’.
Chi gave a light chuckle at James’ response “I won’t tell anyone if you don’t” she commented “I suppose you’re wondering why I called.”
“Well yes the thought had crossed my mind” he stated with a grin.
“Then I’ll get right to it. We have been keeping an eye on you for the past few years while we have been developing a new type of Ship; which is classified. I would like to meet with you and go into more detail since we would like you to be the Commanding Officer. Officially you would be the Captain of a new type of Science Research Vessel but unofficially you’d be working for Section 42. I’m afraid that’s about I can tell you at this time” Chi explained hoping James would accept the invitation to meet.
James sat back in his chair with a smirk on his face “Well Commodore you certainly know how to peak a person’s interest. When would you want to meet to discuss this further now that you have my attention” he replied with a grin.
“I am currently at Deep Space 5, which is a day’s travel from your current position, if you’d like to explore this further” the Commodore stated.
James thought for a brief moment “Sure we can meet; so I’ll see you sometime tomorrow” he answered.
“Wonderful, I’ll see you then Captain. Chi out” as the screen went back to the UFP logo.
The Captain leaned back in his chair trying to process the conversation he just had with the Commodore. Then his mind went back years ago when he was the XO commanding the Endeavor; the Captain had been kidnapped. He was in an impossible situation in a fire-fight with an enemy ship losing badly. Then Captain Chi appeared out of nowhere, de-cloaked and intervened which saved the Ship and her Crew. Now she was asking him to take Command of a new type of Ship working for Section 42; at least it was worth a meeting to hopefully find out more details before giving the Commodore any kind of answer. Tapping his Comm “Helm this is the Captain, lay in a course for DS5; warp eight” came the order. “Aye Captain as you wish” Helm replied and moments later the Hermes was on its way.
Four months prior to speaking with Captain Lake, the changes started as Commodore Chi needed a top Computer Specialist for her new project and she knew exactly who she wanted for the position; unfortunately there was a minor hurdle to overcome first.
Katlyn Zebot, a former Lieutenant in Star Fleet, was working for a client fixing their Computer as a Civilian Computer Specialist. For the past five years Katlyn had been working independently, with her own Shuttle and equipment, after leaving Star Fleet not being happy with the sudden changes in Specialists protocols.
As Katlyn was finishing up her Client’s Computer she was approached by a women in a Star Fleet uniform “Are you Katlyn Zebot” the women queried. Looking at the Officer “Who wants to know” came the reply. “Hello, I am Commander S’val. Commodore Chi has requested your presence on her Ship for a meeting concerning your current working status” S’Val explained. Katlyn looked at the women “What could Star Fleet possibly want with me after all these years” she stated matter of factly “And who the hell is this Commodore Chi.” “The Commodore will explain everything, but you must come with me now” the Commander replied not about to take no for an answer. Katlyn was starting to get a little irritated by this women and her persistence “And if I choose not to go” she inquired. “Logically that choice would not be in your best interest. My orders are clear, you will come with me to meet with the Commodore.” Now Katlyn was really getting quite pissed “Really, you’re going and try to force me; you know I’m Regalian right” she replied with a grin. “Ms. Zebot being Vulcan I have yet to be bested by one of your species, male or female. I would prefer a peaceful resolution” S’val replied. After a few moments of thought “Ok you win, I’ll come with you and meet this Commodore.”
Soon they were aboard the Vulcan’s Shuttle and on their way to meet with Chi “Ms. Zebot there are replicators in the back of the Shuttle if you require food or a beverage. We will be to the Commodore’s location in about two hours. Zebot looked over at S’val “I’m fine thank you.” The two sat for the next few hours not speaking while the whole situation was going through Katlyn’s mind.
Finally opening a channel “Divergent, this is Shuttle T’Sang requesting permission to land” S’val stated. “Welcome back T’Sang, you are clear for landing and we’ll notify the Commodore you’ve arrived” came the reply as the Commander brought the Shuttle into the Docking Bay. Shutting down the engines S’val turned to Katlyn “ If you would come with me please” Katlyn nodded and the two exited the Shuttle on their way to see the Commodore.
They walked up to the Commodore’s Ready Room as S’val pressed the door chime “Come” Chi replied as they entered “Commodore this is Ms. Katlyn Zebot” she stated in her usual Vulcan manner. Chi turned while standing, having been looking out the viewport “Thank you Commander you may return to your duties; your dismissed” S’val gave a nod and left the Room. Looking at her guest “Please have a seat and can I get you a beverage; by the way I’m Commodore Rebecca Chi.” By this time Katlyn was quite put off by this whole situation but remembered her training and decided to just go with it “No Ma’am I’m fine” she replied with a forced smile.
“Then I will come right to the point. I have been keeping an eye on you for the past few years and I must say you have done quite well for yourself working independently. As you may, or may not know, I’m in charge of Section 42 for the Alpha/Beta Quadrants. We will be launching a new type Ship in a few months; I can’t give you anymore details at this time since the project is classified” Rebecca concluded with a smile.
Katlyn looked at Chi “First off I thought Section 42 was a myth, urban legend if you will. Secondly I’m not sure what this has to do with me since I’ve been out of Star Fleet for some time now” she replied still confused about the meeting.
Rebecca gave a light chuckle “The reason we’re having this conversation is because I need the best Computer Specialist there is; and from what I know of you, you are the best. Now I know why you left Star Fleet and I have to say I don’t blame you. What they did to the Specialists was about the dumbest move they have ever done. Since your Service Record is top notch I have a proposition for you” she stated. “Ok I”m listening” Katlyn replied with her curiosity peaked.
“Now I can’t reinstate you back into Star Fleet, since you left so abruptly, but what I can do is offer you a ten year contract as a subcontractor with Section 42; a Computer Specialist/Engineer with the rank of Lieutenant. The pay will be twice what you make now as an Independent; you will however be expected to observe all Star Fleet protocols and regulations as well as the Command Structure. Unfortunately I will need your answer within the next twenty four hours. Any questions” Rebecca concluded with a smile.
Katlyn’s head was spinning with all the information given her “That certainly is a very generous offer” then she paused “And what will become of my Shuttle and gear. Also who will be in Command of this new Ship and will they approve of me even being included in this project of yours. Lastly what will my security clearance be so I can service the Computer unhindered” she inquired hoping it didn’t sound better than it was going to be.
Rebecca grinned “Those are some very good questions. First off Section 42 will buy your Shuttle and gear giving you a generous profit. As far as your security clearance you will have a level ten so you can do your job unhindered since your record is exceptional. I think I can guarantee your Commanding Officer won’t be a concern; I will be asking Captain James Lake to Command the Ship who I believe you have served with before” Chi explained hoping for the best.
Katlyn was pleased and also a bit shocked at the explanation “Wow you’re not messing around” she replied then continued “Let me go grab a meal and think it over and I will get back to you with my decision. It’s thirteen hundred, I will give you my answer within the hour if that’s acceptable to you” she replied with a smile for the first time since being strong-armed into this meeting.
Rebecca smiled back “That is very acceptable; I’ll be in my office until sixteen hundred so just stop by with your answer and I hope you accept my proposal” she replied. “Fair enough” as Katlyn left to go eat.
After her meal Katlyn made her way from the Mess Hall to the Commodore’s Ready Room as she palmed the door chime waiting for an answer “Come” was the response as the door slid open and she walked up to Rebecca’s desk “So you’ve come to a decision I take it.” “Almost, one last question how sure are you of Captain Lake’s acceptance of being the Commanding Officer” Katlyn asked. “Let me put it to you this way; I’m not one to take no for an answer” Chi replied with a grin. “In that case, yes I accept your offer” she replied with a sense of relief. “Excellent. We’ll be back to your Shuttle in two hours so you can gather your personal belongings and you will be training aboard this Ship for the next few months learning the new LCARS 6.3 system. One of my Engineers will critique your Shuttle, along with it’s contents of course, and when you sign the contract then the credits will be deposited into your account.” Chi explained with a smile happy that the first piece of her project was in place. Tapping her Comm “Lieutenant S’val please come to my Ready Room” came the order. When she arrived “Lieutenant please show Katlyn to her temporary quarters that she will be using for the next few months.” “Aye Commodore” as Katlyn left with S’val to start her new life back in Star Fleet; even if it was as a subcontractor.