Thursday, December 5, 2024

Coming Together

Chapter 26

    By eighteen hundred the new Crew additions, as well as the present Crew, were gathered in the Officer’s Lounge on DS7. James noticed both groups were segregated with the Commodore talking with the new group; he hoped by the end of the evening the two groups would be coming together.

    Approaching Chi “Commodore, everyone, why don’t we get the evening started” James suggested with a smile.

    “Yes, by all means” Rebecca stated then glancing towards James then back to the new group “Everyone please allow me to introduce your Commanding Officer…..Captain James Lake. I’ll let him take over from here; James.”

    With a smile “Thank you Rebecca” then he paused “Hi everyone, let me first introduce all of you new folks to your Senior Officers then we’ll walk around and meet all of you and for the duration of the evening, and please, let’s go by first names only” James suggested with a smile 

    “This is Commander Racheal Reese…First Officer and Shuttle Commander.” “I look forward to serving with each of you” she replied. Next Lieutenant Maria SanChez….Chief Tactical/Security and Shuttle First Officer” as Maria waved. “Lieutenant T’Sol….Chief Flight Officer and Shuttle Pilot” he gave a nod “Lieutenant Daniel Herek…..Chief Engineer for both….Lieutenant Katlyn Zebot….Computer Specialist for both. Moving along, Lieutenant Nox….Intelligence Chief for both Ships and lastly Ensign Mark Benna….Lead Infiltration Specialist for both Ships. This is your Senior Staff” James concluded with a smile.

    Walking up to the first person of the new additions “Hi, and you are” as he extended his hand.

    “I am Lieutenant Commander Roan, House of Draylon, your Second Officer and Tactical/Security as well. I look forward to fighting by your side in glorious battles” as he shook James’ hand “And I with you” James replied thinking “Yup, he’s a Klingon alright.”

    Moving to the next Officer  “Hello, and who might you be” as he extended his hand once again.

     “Hi James, I’m Ensign Heidi McTavish…trained in Operations and Communications, I look forward to serving under your Command” as she shook hands with James. “Good that’s a gap we need filled and the feeling is mutual.”

    James continued meeting the rest of his new Crew with his Senior Officers following behind meeting each person. When finished “Ok, everyone please grab a drink and lets all get to know one another until dinner is served then we can sit down and enjoy our first meal together” he stated finally seeing the two groups starting to mesh.

    After several minutes Racheal walked over and whispered “James it looks like the magic is starting to happen once again and that was a great move the way you introduced all of us to all of them” she commented with a smile.

    Shortly four large rolling carts came into the Lounge “If everyone would please take a seat dinner will be served momentarily “ Rebecca stated as everyone did as requested.

    James purposely watched as everyone sat and to his pleasure pretty much both groups were mingled together as James sat next to his Second Officer trying to set the example while getting to know his second in command a little better “Roan, I take it this is your first assignment as Second Officer” he inquired with a smile.

    Being that Klingons really aren’t in the habit of smiling much he replied “Yes James, I am new at being a Second Officer but I can assure you I will do my best as I would in battle.”

    “I’m sure you will but don’t try to be perfect; we all make mistakes….that’s how we learn” James assured Roan “And I assume you have plenty of experience in Tactical /Security as well.”

    “Yes, that is where I started in Star Fleet as any honorable Klingon would” then he paused “May I speak freely Sir” he inquired.

    “Yes, please by all means since you are now part of the Command Team” James replied wondering what was on his mind to say something at this time.

    “Sir, with the greatest respect… is it Lieutenant Maria SanChez is the Chief of Tactical/Security when you have a Klingon aboard your Ship; or soon to be” Roan inquired being quite serious about the matter.

    James switched into Captain mode “I can assure you Roan that Maria is very capable at her duties; otherwise we would not have made her Chief” then he paused a moment figuring he may as well get to the bottom of this “Why do you have a problem with our decision.”

    Roan was a little surprised at James’ directness but at least his new Captain wasn’t someone to side-step an issue “No not at all, as a warrior I respect the chain of command. It’s just” as he paused a moment “she’s so little and I am not.”

    James was somewhat amused by Roans logic, or lack of, but decided to go with it “May I give you a word of advice, don’t let Maria hear you say that; you may be surprised at the outcome” he replied not knowing how it would be perceived.

    “So you’re saying Maria is a warrior then….even better. Perhaps we should have a sparring match in the holo-deck after we get underway and see who prevails” Roan replied rather amused by their conversation.

    “Since Maria hasn’t been privy to our conversation, I will let you pose the question concerning a sparring match” he replied “But don’t say I didn’t warn you Roan.”

    Everyone had pretty much finished their dinner when Rebecca stood “Can I have everyone’s attention for a moment please. Just to let you all know what to expect the next few days; tomorrow morning is your time then at thirteen hundred we’ll all meet aboard Vigilant-A on the Bridge. The Ship is located at L-2 docking arm and as you board some of my Security will be checking I.D.’s beforehand. Once assembled I do have a couple of things to go over with you then you’ll be free to explore your new home the rest of the day. I have a few more drinks coming in shortly so please continue to get to know one another and have a pleasant evening” She finally concluded.

    James stood “Rebecca on behalf of the Crew we would like to thank you for this time together and for a delicious dinner; we’ll all see you tomorrow” he stated as the Crew all stood and applauded the Commodore.

    Shortly the Staff came in and cleared the long table as another cart rolled in with various drinks on them. Commodore Chi looked around the room and grinned; her work was done…now it was up to the Crew to make this work, which she knew they would.

    Racheal walked over to James “Well Captain, it looks like everyone is mingling quite well both old and new; so I guess we have just one Crew now” she commented with a smile.

    “Looks that way Commander and I couldn’t be more pleased; it’ll make what’s to come the next few days that much easier” then he paused “Of course that’s not to say a few minor issues may pop up but I don’t fore see anything too significant” James replied “So breakfast in my quarters at zero nine hundred if you like; I think we may have a couple of things to address as far as ‘us’ is concerned.”

    “Breakfast sounds nice so yes zero nine hundred it is” then Racheal paused “Yes I think you’re right about the ‘us’ factor.”

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